You go, right?
Landon on Friday was reading an animal book and all of the sudden stated that he wanted to go to the zoo, well we didn't have any big plans for Saturday so we decided if he asks to go then we will go. Plus how can you say no to this face!
Landon could probably sit and watch the sharks all day long, he will look up and say "Whoa, look at big one", he loves the animals. Ava loves to look at the fish and tell us what colors they are. I really can't believe how big they are getting some days. The walruses were really active too, he loved how they would swim right past him.
We received our zoo membership for the twins' birthday and I am so glad that we mentioned it to my Grandma as something they would love. It helps because we can go first thing in the morning when they are happy and wide awake and we don't feel bad if we only stay for 1 or 2 hours and only go and see the animals that they are always talking about.
Both Ava and Landon asked to take this little guy home |
We had a fun morning at the zoo and then finished the day with dinner at a friends home and a movie night for the kids! It was adorable!