

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our Holiday Season in photos

Ava on Thanksgiving

Little Studmuffin in the making

The spread for our wonderful Thanksgiving meal

We napped

We at pie...ALOT of pie

The Twins turned 6 months old November 13th

My how big they are getting (insert sad face here)

Seriously how did I get SO lucky

We had the baby's blessing while the family was all in town

We searched for the perfect tree while the twins slept in their stroller

We played

We cried/laughed when our giant dog slept next to us

We ate solids (yes thats a jar of food, I was testing them) Now I make everything

We made some serious messes

Then the Twins turned 7 month

We dressed up in snowsuits to brave the cold in Whistler, BC

Decided the stroller was comfortable enough for naps

We had the most amazing steak dinner at Hy's Steakhouse

Then we headed back home for Christmas

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bullet Points

So I have seen some blogs do a bullet point format for a quick we go.

- The twins are almost 8 months old (HOLY COW 8 MONTHS OLD) time to start party planning
-We accomplished traveling in the car for 7 hours for our annual vacation to Whistler for Christmas
-Traveling with twins is....HARD
- Landon is about 21 lbs and Ava about 16.5
-They are crazy cute and funny all day long...They are such HAPPY babies
- I have been making my own baby food (post being planned on it)
- Christmas was amazing with babies in our lives!
-Christmas also brought the need to organize my family room (que JcPenney storage solutions)
-I may have possibly gone overboard on Christmas present...oops
-The twins can roll everywhere they want and I have a feeling crawling is not too far off

Ok well I feel bad for not posting like ever so I think maybe one of my new year resolutions will be to be better about that!

I hope everyone's Christmas/New Year and Holiday season was AWESOME!!!