Boy last month flew by and now we are so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas! The twins will be 6 months old on Saturday and since I skipped a 5 month post I will for sure be posting their stats from their 6 month appointment which is next Tuesday! This week is a fun one, Grant's and my anniversary is on Thursday and I can not believe we were married 5 years ago! My how time flies! The babies are growing like weeds, they are rolling around and "talking" all the time, they are sucking on their fingers and realizing that there is another baby there, they are so cute when they play together!! They seem to spend a lot of time just reaching out for the others face right now, its so darn adorable! Hopefully next weekend I will have time to update everyone on:
Halloween (which kind of was a bust since the babes had colds)
The babies 1st colds
My 24th Birthday~!
Our anniversary!
and a big 6 month stats (I am anxious to know how much they are weighing in at now)
OK well I'm home from work and have to finish cleaning my house since my wonderful mother in law already cooked dinner!!
Instant Pot Jalapeno Popper Chicken Chili
6 years ago
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