

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'm pretty sure my insurance hates me now

SO every single bill is now in from my pregnancy/the twins birth/NICU stay....and the total....drumroll....613,000...well thats a few Bentleys or BMW's, this does not even count the years of fertility treatments or ultimately IVF.  Thank goodness for insurance(well not for IVF, but thats a whole other issue)!! My babies are worth every single penny and I would have paid anything as long as they are healthy and happy! But WOW I have never seen that amount on a bill. 

Quick Breakdown:
IVF: 17,000+
My pregnancy related expenses: over 100,000
Ava's NICU stay: about 300,000
Landon's NICU stay: about 250,000

I like to think that their little isolettes in the NICU were as nice as a Presidential Suite in a Las Vegas hotel that runs for 8K a night!!

I am just glad we have great insurance and cap out at 6,750.

1 comment:

Erika said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! Hope you don't think I'm weird for commenting on a year-old post, but holy cow. I just discovered your blog today and I've been reading back to see about your birth and husband and I also have MFI and are hopefully starting IVF soon. I am just going to have to keep this little blog about your grand total of bills to myself, otherwise he may reconsider wanting to start the process!! :) I guess that in about 16 years when the kids start asking for cars and such, you can refer them back to this blog. "No, you used up your car money BEING BORN1!!"