After this week is over I think I'll be back, we've been busy with some big projects at work so I've been overwhelmingly (is that a real word) busy every day. I hope everyone is having a more relaxing week then I am.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Toddle Along Tuesday
Warning I will be slow on blogging this week due to hubs being out of town at a training, so I am flying solo with the twinsies this week! EEEEEEK! Wish me luck!

Head on over to Our Growing Garden or Growing Up Geeky to link up and meet some new mommy bloggy friends!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Is There Such a Thing as "Having it all"
A typical work day for me is getting up at 6:30, getting myself ready,getting the kids out of bed and changed/dressed for the day. We are lucky that the grandma's watch the babies while I'm away at work, but I can't ask them to do my housework (my mother in law does sometimes anyways). I'm off to work by 7:30 while hubby watches them until the grandma of the day comes over and he leaves for work. I work work work all day long until 5 when I rush home to babies that are starting to get hungry, make dinner, play for a few minutes, we eat and they go to bed. They have always been early to bed babies, they go to sleep around 7 and wake up at 7. This works for us...well kind of, because that means on days that I work I spend approximately 2.5 hours with my babies....I spend more time with my work family which makes me sad.
I know that I am lucky to work 3 days a week (the other 2, I work from home on projects) and I am lucky that my father in law allows this. But lately co-workers have been asking me if I will be adding another day anytime answer...I don't wanna talk about it...Now my father-in-law/boss has said nothing to me, I think our schedule works, I accomplish what I need to accomplish and I get to spend some time during these precious first years. These co-workers don't have kids so it is very hard to have them try and understand my being torn by their question.
My question is how can you have it all? Is there a secret that I haven't figured out yet? Or is it just something that I will learn with more time?
Thank you for listening to my rambling post that is my brain right now....and as a reward, here's a picture of some cute babies....(I may or may not be partial)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Seriously Thursday
It's Thursday! YAY! Which means it is time for Seriously Thursday with Becky from From Mrs. to Mama. If you want to participate in the fun and meet some seriously fun ladies go link up.
1. Seriously... Landon started running a fever yesterday after his morning 103.6, I called the dr and they told me 1. I was giving him not enough tylenol now that he is older (which I didn't know) 1. They don't worry unless a kid is laying there unresponsive...That really bothered me, now I know I'm a first time mom and hopefully it's just a tooth making him miserable, but really you don't worry about him unless "he is limp like a doll" (true story).
2. Seriously...I'm sick of politics, I mean the election is still 1 1/2 years away and that's all I seem to be hearing about, it's annoying, I'm already ready for it to be over. I mean I care about our country and all but is it necessary to roll all over the U.S. in a tour bus while you haven't actually declared you are running or now ::cough:: Sarah Palin ::cough::.
3. Seriously...I won my first blog giveaway which made my Tuesday! Thanks Kristin I'm super excited to get my new cookbook!
4. Seriously...Summer is here and that means new reality tv is on, but my usual sitcoms and dramas are on hiatus until fall! Boo! No more Greys or The Office for this girl. But Flipping Out starts soon so I think I will live.
5. Seriously...We have a relaxing weekend coming up! We haven't had a weekend with no plans in like 2 months so I am excited to celebrate the hubby's 2nd Father's Day and relax at home, maybe BBQ and get outside.
6. Seriously... I have to go to Seattle tomorrow for a dental conference. Which means I have to get up at like 5 am and get going. I am a little excited because we get free swag (i.e. toothpaste and toothbrushes), so then I don't have to purchase any of it for a long time.
Hope you all are having a great week!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Weekend catch-up/Toddle Along Tuesday

This was the first weekend that we were not required to be ANYWHERE on Saturday, it was so nice to wake up and play with the babies and not be rushing out the door to be somewhere. Saturday we just lounged around and cleaned the house which was a mess from not being home the last few weekends or having parties at our house.
On Saturday we ran a couple quick errands to pick up some crafty items at Jo Anne's. I saw this adorable pattern for a pillowcase dress that I showed my mother in law who is a sewing master, Ava needs I mean NEEDS these for summer, plus I can just throw a long sleeved top under and use into the fall. Just look at this it's adorable!!
After, my sister and I headed over to World Market to look around, she is moving into her own apartment and has been
Sunday we had a little party to celebrate her graduation. Family, food, and friends, you can't really ask for a better way to spend a Sunday!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
As I go through my phone
I'm laying in bed just browsing through my photo history on my phone and in a weird way my phone has kept a timeline of the last few years for me, I can hit details and it tells me the date the pictures were all taken. My phone is always with me so I tend to take pictures of first on it so even though I have been terrible at baby books, I can go back to my phone and know specifics to fill in those blanks. I found these two pictures while browsing and it just made me think "WOW" all of those medications created the center of my whole universe.
Friday, June 10, 2011
A Graduation, a Roadtrip and a Set of Twins...
We decided it would be easier on the babies (and us) if we left Saturday and headed down to shop at the outlet mall in Woodburn, then head over to our hotel where we would play in the pool until it was time for bed for the twins. O how silly are we...
The Twins did so well the whole car ride, through shopping, loved the pool, but falling asleep in a hotel...not gonna happen. They whined and stood up in their pack and plays until 9:30 when they caved to their sleepiness. But that only lasted a couple of hours. Right around 1:30 Ava decided it was playtime, and since I didn't want to be "that" person I just let her play in our bed in hopes that she wouldn't cry. She poked us, bit us, crawled around until o 4:30 am. when she gave out, Landon did the same but started at 3:30. She wiggled and squirmed from 4:30 until 6 when we needed to get up and head to the graduation. We were E.X.A.H.A.U.S.T.E.D...Like the newborn days with twins exhausted. It was a total bust.
Graduation went well and the twins spent it in their Auntie's apartment since it was a little too chilly, once graduation was over they came down and socialized. After all was said and done, we packed it up and headed home, luckily they slept the whole way home...thank goodness. Needless to say we probably won't reattempt the whole hotel thing for a little while.
Here are my favorite Pictures from the weekend.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Seriously Thursday
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
One Year Ago-A Homecoming Story
Those days were some of the longest days of my life and now they seem like they only amounted to a half second compared to the last year. I have a hard time remembering every day in the NICU, I think I was in the fog of new mommyhood, traumatized from our birth story which you can read here. Every morning from May 14th-June 8th, we woke up and went to the hospital. We would stay there from 9am-7/8pm, I wanted to stay 24/7 but the amazing nurses kept reminding me I had to heal too, I had major surgery as well as pushed a baby out, not to mention my body had been on rest mode for 8 long weeks while on bedrest.
The NICU is a rollercoaster in which all you want to do is get off at the next stop. Luckily at the time I didn't know the extent of a lot of information until I got their medical records for our insurance. Like the fact that Ava was intubated (I never knew), only for an hour or so because her AGPAR scores were so low at birth. When I found that out I got upset, I felt like she must have bee sicker then I knew, but thankfully she is perfectly healthy today.
The one thing that kept me sane was the nurses, I knew my babies were in good GREAT hands of the nurses and doctors at the hospital.
Here are just a few pictures of our time in the NICU and the babies homecoming.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Welcome to my Improved blog!!
Right now if you hop on over to her blog you could have a chance at winning your very own blog makeover for yourself and one of your readers.

Now that I have the new design in place I am hoping it inspires me to blog more since I'm not worrying about how bad my blog looks!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Toddle Along Tuesday

Weekend Re-cap
The weather was GORGEOUS, the sun in Eastern Washington is so different then over here in the PNW, its dry, so you don't end up all sticky! The twins played in the kiddie pool and we spent time enjoying the sunshine.
My Grandma always spoils us with great homemade food while we visit, hubs loves it. Saturday night we just relaxed and then Sunday morning we headed down to the local fruit stand to grab fresh asparagus and then headed home. It was a fun quick visit and we can't wait to head back over soon!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Im promising updates
I'm promising updates soon, we are headed out of town again in the morning to go to the east side of our lovely state for a birthday. I will be back Sunday with updates. I love the summertime, but hate how absolutely crazy it gets!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Seriously Thursday
2. Seriously...Will Melissa and Kathy on RHONJ please leave Teresa alone, I mean come on, Kathy thinks she is "not" a "troublemaker"..Girl please, you are so face it. You are a mean girl with a soft voice. The fact that her husband gets her a Mercedes because he feels bad that she is picked on is just ridiculous. And Melissa you aren't tricking anyone, you too are a mean girl with a pretty face, just leave the family drama for off-camera.
3. Seriously...Our trip to Oregon was great, except for the fact that the twins do not understand that just because you aren't at home doesn't mean you get to stay up and party like a Rock Star in a hotel room until 4 am...Yeah pretty sure we won't be doing that again anytime soon...
4. Seriously...So here is is June 2nd and we still haven't had a super nice day...they say we may get to 80* this weekend...I'll believe it when I see it, I mean it was raining on my way to work this morning..UGH!
5. Seriously...I'm having a hard time explaining to little Miss Ava that it isn't nice to bite your brother, but how do you tell a 1 year old that she can't bite her brother who is also a 1 year old...Yeah she's gonna be a handful I'm sure of it.
6. Seriously...Thank god its my Friday today!
If you are visiting me from Seriously Thursday I thank you! Hope you all have a great Thursday.